Are you interested in becoming a Cub or a Scout?
Click on the below link and complete the form to join. Print the completed document and bring with when you attend your first meeting.
Application For Membership Cub Or Scout Form
- Lots of info available in the This is the scouting Booklet 2015 (13MB)
- Scouts: Boys and Girls between 11 and 18yrs.
- Cubs: Boys and Girls between 7 and 10yrs.
We meet at the Scout Hall every Friday.
- Contact us through first to make sure we’re not away camping.
- 18:00 and 19:30 for Cubs
- 19:00 and 21:00 for Scouts
Bring along a completed Annual Consent Form and Cub/Scout Data form(Details of contacts, doctor & allergies etc.)
- Scouters (Leaders) will assist you where possible.
- If you love it, like we know you will, the Leaders will need a completed Adult Leaders Application Form.
Our children are very near and dear to us so have a look at the Scouts SA Child-Protection-Policy
2021 Fees
Our fee structure for 2021 is available here
2021 Fee structure will be available soon.
Forms applicable to parents and supporters
Any questions?
Great Web Site.
We would like to get involved with the Scouts in the form of possible fun Hiking and camping training sessions.
I would appreciate it if we can make an appointment to discuss our possible involvement with the scouts.
At Outdoor Warehouse Vanderbijlpark we specialize in Outdoor activities and will be able to assist with specialized training,we are also prepared to be involved in future camping and hiking activities.
Please contact Steven at direct.
He would know best on this topic
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